Symposium and Performance.
HAU2. Berlin. Part of No Limits Festival.
November 2017.
Take Care is a three-day symposium I curated with Berlin based artist Jeremy Wade. The symposium gathers disabled and disability-allied artists, activists, social workers and theorists to critically reflect on care. We drew inspiration from the experience of numerous disability activists, who take care not only as a past/present/future medical issue for all but as a social, creative and political way of surviving. We are asking: To what extent can the experiences of mutual caring serve as models for liberation, action and the very foundation of resistance movements to come?
In 1988, Audre Lorde declared that “Self-care is a form of political warfare.” In the current world of “survival of the fittest”, care and caring need to become battle cries for collaboration and compassionate support. What if care motivated new and radical forms of interdependence?
What if these new approaches were strong enough to disrupt the isolation and competition that capitalism perpetuates?
Welcome to the symposium Take Care, a three-day event held at HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, comprised of disabled and non disabled theorists, activists and artists involved in performance, art, political activism, social work, academia, health and sex work. We offer lectures, performances, conversations, controversial formats and positions on care and invite guests to hang out and participate in the program.
Our programme include people from Germany, Austria, UK and USA.
Eva Egermann, Liz Crow, Robert McRuer, Rebecca Yeo, Michael Zander. the vacuum cleaner, Hannah Hull, Eliah Lüthi, Inklusion Netzwerk Neukölln, Johanna Zinecker, Loree Erikson, Matthias Vernaldi, Johanna Hedva, Neve Be and Mondkalb
Find out more about the programme here – http://takecare.no-limits-festival.de/en/