The Balmy Army – Introduction
Ever been told to ask for help? Only to be told help wasn’t available.
Ever been told you’ve got a problem, but something inside you says, hmmm am not quite sure it’s JUST me?
Ever get the feeling young people’s mental health care could be so much better?
Enough excuses. We aren’t the problem.
The Balmy Army is an art, activism and mutual care project for pissed-off people.
For young people struggling with your mental health, your friends and families, and those working in mental health who are on your side. Our aim is to work together across Greater Manchester (now the whole of England) to imagine and make real a simpler, kinder, easier to access mental health support and care, that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services are currently prevented from doing.
Begun in 2022 young people, artists, madpride organisers, radical dreamers, disability justice inspired doers and everyone else trying to cope have come together. What do they want? Mental health support that works. When do they want it? About 15 years ago…
Balmy Army is a long term project mixing art, activism and mutual care.