Balmy Army

Young people sorting out the madness

A group of young people march behind a banner saying Balmy Army, many holding home made placards, they are shouting and laughing.

2.8 Million Minds

The art of London's young minds

Tyries Holder reading a poem. She is wear fabric containing bright colours of text and drawings.

For They Let In The Light

A young persons mental health film

For They Let In The Light


Films portraits of Newham's Health Workers

Group of distressed health workers looking towards camera

With For About 2020

A slow conference for a fast evolving crisis.

With For About 2020

Mad Artist Mutual Aid

Support during the Covid 19 crisis

Yellow square with Mad Artists Mutual Aid written in pink

How Can We Do This Better?

Changing the narrative of the suicide capital

A handwritten wish list for how mental healthcare could be better in St Helens

A Madlove Take Over

A festival and space for mental health

Madlove poster held by Hana Madness


A play space for healthy minds

Oh My Gosh, You're Wellcome...Kitten on show at the Wellcome Collection, Being Human exhibition

In Chains

A short documentary about a radical mental health community

A man in a brown shirt standing behind a man in a blue shirt with his arms around him

Madlove: A Designer Asylum

It ain’t no bad thing to need a safe place to go mad.

a pastiche of the Louis Vuitton logo yellow on a hot pink background


An autobiographical performance

feet sticking out from underneath a striped duvet

Ship of Fools

Making my own mental health hospital

legs dangling from under a tree

The art of a culture of hope

Collectively authoring hope and fear

two boys hold a placard saying Make Hope Stop Fear

Take Care

A symposium on disability justice and radical care

woman sitting in wheelchair on stage with pink lighting

Cleaning Up After Capitalism

The power of lame ass art activism / live art

a man wearing a hi vis vest with "cleaning up after capitalism" printed on the back, is vacuuming in Wall Street

Starbucks Logo Fault

Rebranding Starbucks with a green pen

the front glass window of a Starbucks coffee shop with adapted logo to read 'fuck off'

Last Night Art Saved My Life

Short provocations on strategies for survival

scribe illustration of colourful text and drawings of artists in blue with the title 'last night art saved my life'

Get Ta Suck

Solo exhibition

two gold paintings with black text, one reads "Gordon Brown texture like sun" the other "never a frown with Gordon Brown"

Begging For Social Engagement

Live art performance and film

The words "begging for social engagement £100 required" hand written on a piece of cardboard and held by someone in a blue jacket sitting cross legged


Resigning project

yellow disabled parking sign with the letters D I S D blacked out so that ABLE reads in yellow

The Assessment

A mental health self diagnosis event

looking out from a lectern in a lecture hall a man sits on the right with his head in his hands

London 20L2

Olympic twitter prank

Metropolitan Lice

Brandalism / rebranding project

outside Haggerston and Queensbridge police station the sign is adapted to read 'Metropolitan Lice'

Kick The Crack

Commissioned intervention

pieces of white tape stuck across a large crack in a concrete floor

Put The Fun Between Your Legs

Civil disobedience installation

a large black banner hanging on a tall brick building displaying a list civil disobedience forms

Capitalism. Full Stop.

Performance lecture / manifesto

silhouette of a man in front of an overhead projector, the slide behind him reads 'art is dead long live life'

Please Do Not Feed The Pigs

Brandalism / resigning project

a sign on metal railings opposite a police station that reads "please don't feed the pigs".

What Difference Does It Make?

Solo exhibition, performance and interventions

a hand drawn image of a man waving with the top of a penis on his head


Promotional video for Climate Camp 2018

image of a man in a blue t-shirt and back pack climbing over a metal fence

Hate Mail

(Yes, it is real)

a typed piece of hate mail to James Leadbitter the vacuum cleaner

Free Music For Suckers

Guerrilla marketing campaign

stacks of CD's on a shelf

Getting Your Brazilian

A culture and heritage tour of Brazil – in Selfridges

a white man with long hair being escorted out of a shop by police

Re-Stock – Fiction | Non-Fiction

A subtle performance action

The fiction section in a book shop with a book called "The Case for Israel" facing front